📄️ Creating bonds
To create a bond, you first need to create a Bond Contract using our website. This is a contract that will be automatically created for you by our Bond Factory.
📄️ Purchasing bonds
To acquire a specific bond, you can utilize our Bond Contract listings or access a direct link to the desired Bond Class.
📄️ Claiming bonds
You can claim tokens from any bonds you own using our website. You can access a list of all the bonds you own here.
📄️ Dynamic price checker
When creating a Bond Class, you can specify a Dynamic Price Checker address, which is a contract that returns the bond's price upon request.
📄️ Fees
BondSwap incurs a 2% fee for each successful secondary sale of an original bond on our marketplace. This 2% fee will be periodically added in future to a liquidity pool that holds our SBONDS governance token. Our aim is to reinforce our governance model while pursuing a decentralized system that operates without permission.
📄️ Trading bonds
Every Bond is a valid ERC721 token (NFT) so you can trade it like any other token on OpenSea and other NFT marketplaces.