Trading bonds
Every Bond is a valid ERC721 token (NFT) so you can trade it like any other token on OpenSea and other NFT marketplaces. Every Bond has a metadata that describes that bond, for example:
TokenID: 2
BondClass: 1
LeftToClaim: 14.342
VestingEnd: 2022/01/25 21:01:00
DataFreshness: 2022/01/23 19:15:43
Metadata is generated directly on chain and is always up to date. So whenever you refresh metadata on NFT marketplace it will have fresh data.
Additionaly NFT image is also generated fully on chain and have the same data as you can find in metadata.
indicates when data for this bond was last time refreshed.
Soon we will be launching marketplace that have additional features specific for trading bonds on our platform.