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Dynamic price checker

When creating a Bond Class, you can specify a Dynamic Price Checker address, which is a contract that returns the bond's price upon request. It must implement the following interface:

interface IBondPriceCheck {
function getRewardAmountForETH(address bondToken, uint256 value) external view returns (uint256);

function getRewardAmountForToken(
address bondToken,
address paymentToken,
uint256 value
) external view returns (uint256);

The getRewardAmountForETH function will be utilized if the Bond Class requires ETH for purchasing bonds. Otherwise, the getRewardAmountForToken function will be used if ERC20 tokens are used.

If a Dynamic Price Checker is set, the Bond Contract will call one of the above functions with the following parameters during the bond purchase process:

  • bondToken - the address of the reward token
  • paymentToken - (applicable only for ERC20) the address of the payment token
  • value - the value of the payment token provided by the user, decreased by the protocol fee.